Termites do more than $5 billion dollars in damage to American homes and businesses each year, according to the National Pest Management Association. It's enough to scare any property owner. The good news is that there are several things you can do to help prevent a colony of these wood-eating insects from invading your home or business.
How to prevent termites
1. Keep mulch away from the edge of your foundation.
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As one of the most used rooms in the home, your kitchen takes a beating. And if it's been years since you've remodeled yours, it probably has lost a little bit of its shine. While there's nothing you can do to make your kitchen brand new again short of remodeling it, you can clean it and bring it back to its former glory with a few deep-cleaning projects.
What's great about these projects is that you can finish them on the weekends, and you can even hire them out to the professionals if you don't have the time or inclination to do them yourself.
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If you are concerned about the level of security provided by your current gun safe -- or simply want a way to make your firearm more accessible on short notice -- you may be considering safes that incorporate new technology. The most popular recent innovation in gun safes is a bio-metric reading device, or fingerprint detector. But what happens if the fingerprint detector stops working? Are these safes actually more risky than combination or key safes?
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Putting your belongings in a self storage unit isn't the perfect answer for all your clutter woes. Enough people try this method and give up to have actually created an industry and television series. Storage units have their place, and can be useful in certain circumstances. In other times, paying for someplace to pack away your property can be a waste of money. Here are some of the more logical reasons to pay for using a self storage unit.
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Are you concerned about the security of your physical confidential documents? Many security breaches can occur through improperly secured documents. A single misplaced copy of a check could easily lead to identity theft and fraud. For this reason, you may want to take some additional security steps.
Create a Separate Room for Documents
Don't simply store documents in your open office plan. Make sure that there is a storage area for confidential information and that all confidential information is placed in this storage area at the end of every day.
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