How To Find The Right House

Settling Boundary Disputes: Tips For Homeowners

Boundary disputes between neighbors can be contentious and upsetting. If you are a homeowner who has become involved in one of these disagreements, there is no need to panic. Boundary disputes can often be settled amicably, as long as both sides are well-intentioned. This article examines some of the most effective ways to handle this problem. Communication Often just talking with your neighbor about your concerns can resolve any potential boundary issues. Read More 

3 Tips For Collecting Your Rent On Time

If you own a rental property, you likely know just how difficult it can be to find good tenants who pay rent on time and keep the place clean and free from damages. Property rentals can end up costing you more than what it is worth. However, that is not the case if you take the time to find the right tenants, reinforce rules and collect rent on time. Collecting rent on time can be challenging, because many people don't want to be the one to start a confrontation that is usually involved when having to talk to the tenants about paying the money that is owed. Read More 

When Is Refinancing A Smart Financial Move?

If you've had the same mortgage provider from the very first day that you purchased your home, it might have never occurred to you to refinance. It may seem easier to maintain the status quo. Maybe you think refinancing is just as difficult as getting original financing. Or, perhaps you feel a sense of loyalty to your mortgage provider. While these are all valid concerns, they should not stop you from getting a refinancing loan if it makes financial sense for you. Read More 

Does Your Property Rental Qualify For Section 8?

If you are looking to rent a piece of property that you own, there are many considerations to make, including whether or not you want to accept those who would be searching for section 8 rental properties. Under section 8, renters qualify to have a large portion of their rent paid for them by the government, which is based on their income and other expenses, such as child care. You may want to accept section 8 tenants since you will definitely receive the portion of rent from the government, and so long as the tenant appears to be responsible enough to pay their portion of the rent, you will always receive the full month's rent. Read More 

Two Fundamental Things To Consider Before Buying A Used Mobile Home

Manufactured homes can be an affordable housing alternative, especially for new homeowners. Used mobile homes can be even more financially appealing, but there are two fundamental things you should consider as a prospective buyer.  Know the Building Codes You will need to find out the year the mobile home was manufactured, then cross-reference that date with current building codes for your area. In certain regions, building codes will have changed drastically over the years. Read More