How To Find The Right House

4 Solutions For Buying Land Without Having A Positive Credit Rating

If you have located the perfect parcel of land on which to build your future vacation cabin but lack the positive credit rating necessary to secure a bank loan to purchase it, then you will be pleased to learn that there are many solutions to this common problem. Solution 1: Approach the Seller about Owner Financing Since many people are selling bare land lots because they were purchased as building sites that were never utilized, owner financing is one way for the seller to earn some extra money on their mistaken purchase. Read More 

Not Loving Your Home? 3 Legitimate Reasons to Look for Another House to Buy

What you liked five years ago may no longer apply today. So, when you initially became a homeowner, you may have been more than satisfied with what your home was able to provide. It is not unreasonable for this feeling to go away, especially when your living circumstances have drastically changed. Some of your family and friends may suggest staying in the same home and working things out from within, but you should know a number of legitimate reasons to start looking for different real estate to purchase. Read More 

Tips To Boost Curb Appeal After A Hot, Dry Summer

At the end of a long, hot summer, many properties will look dusty, dry and uninviting. If your home is on the market when this happens, improving your home's curb appeal will help your home standout to buyers. The following tips will help you refresh the appearance of your property at the end of the summer. Wash Dust From the House Use a strong jet of water from a hose to wash the dust and grit from off of your home's siding. Read More 

Tips for New Associations That Need to Hire a Condo-Association Manager

For a newly elected condo board made up of residents, one of the first decisions to make is whether to keep the association manager used by the developer, become a self-managing entity, or bring in a new firm. Generally, most associations don't want to self-manage because this requires a huge investment of time for volunteer board members. It also may not be advisable to keep the developer's manager, since they may be working in the interest of the developer and not the condo owners. Read More 

Two Tips to Ensure That Your Tiny Home Sells Quickly

A number of individuals construct their own tiny home from scratch in order to customize it. This allows them to build a home that fits their tastes and needs. However, there are a number of tiny-home shoppers who do not have the time and resources to devote to building a home from scratch. Therefore, a tiny home for sale on the market can be the perfect solution. However, just like with traditional homes, tiny homes can sit on the market for weeks or even months without any movement. Read More