How To Find The Right House

Refrigerator and Freezer Maintenance to Take Care of during Spring Clean Up

During spring clean up, you tackle some cleaning jobs that you might not do at any other time of the year. One such job is completely emptying out and cleaning your refrigerator and freezer.  It's a good idea to take care of certain maintenance tasks when you've got both your refrigerator and freezer completely empty. The following are a few maintenance practices you might want to get out of the way during spring cleaning to ensure the longevity and proper functioning of your unit Read More 

Three Ways To Make Your Leasing Office More Appealing To Potential Residents

As the saying goes, first impressions are everything – this holds true when you are trying to find new tenants. If they show up to a rather unimpressive leasing office, you're going to have a harder time convincing them to move in. With these tips, you can ensure that your leasing office – which is one of the first places your potential tenants will see when they come for a tour – makes an excellent first impression. Read More 

4 Factors That Can Affect A Building Inspection Report

If you are in need of a building inspection (from professionals such as those from Home Inspection Associate) either because you have recently purchased the property to turn into your own business or because you are in need of doing renovations that require a building inspection first, then you want to be sure that you know what can affect the report. A report is necessary because you want to know what problems need to be fixed in order to prevent these problems from arising in the future after you have done renovations or made changes when turning it into your own business. Read More 

Settling Boundary Disputes: Tips For Homeowners

Boundary disputes between neighbors can be contentious and upsetting. If you are a homeowner who has become involved in one of these disagreements, there is no need to panic. Boundary disputes can often be settled amicably, as long as both sides are well-intentioned. This article examines some of the most effective ways to handle this problem. Communication Often just talking with your neighbor about your concerns can resolve any potential boundary issues. Read More 

3 Tips For Collecting Your Rent On Time

If you own a rental property, you likely know just how difficult it can be to find good tenants who pay rent on time and keep the place clean and free from damages. Property rentals can end up costing you more than what it is worth. However, that is not the case if you take the time to find the right tenants, reinforce rules and collect rent on time. Collecting rent on time can be challenging, because many people don't want to be the one to start a confrontation that is usually involved when having to talk to the tenants about paying the money that is owed. Read More