Benefits Of Renting Portable Storage Containers

Over time, we all accumulate possessions inside our homes, and the same applies to businesses. Individuals and businesses are both sometimes faced with the need for additional storage space. They might consider the possibility of building on additional storage space in their current house or building, purchasing storage containers or even building an off-site storage facility. In most cases though, it's far more beneficial to rent a storage container. Below are just some of the benefits you get by renting portable storage containers. Read More 

Enjoy Your Guests, Prevent The Pests: Avoiding Bedbugs This Holiday Season

Ah, the holidays! Commercials and movies abound with images of families reunited from across the miles for warmth and cheer. Sofa beds are unfolded, extra bedrooms aired out, perhaps sleeping bags are even laid out in the kids' bedrooms. As you anticipate guests for the holidays, don't forget to take necessary precautions to prevent the pests that often hitchhike in with them: bed bugs. Bed bugs are notoriously stealthy passengers. They are global travel aficionados, as this interactive map shows. Read More 

3 Natural Ways To Remove Mold In Your Home

If you see black mold growing in your home, it is natural that you start to worry about the damage it can do to your home and your health. But before you get too nervous, you may be able to get rid of the mold with natural substances that you might already have in your home. Here are three natural ways to remove mold in your house. Use Vinegar Vinegar is naturally anti-fungal and anti-bacterial in nature, so using vinegar is an easy way to take care of the mold in your house. Read More 

Six Space-Saving Tips For Your Storage Unit

When you are paying for each square foot of storage, you want to save as much space as possible. Here are six tips for making the most of the space you have.  1. Dejunk. This may seem obvious, but many people are in a hurry when they move and pack indiscriminately. The easiest way to do this is to focus on what you want to keep instead of what you need to get rid of. Read More